The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting 2023


1. Create an Account

You will need to create an account in order to register and submit an abstract. To create an account, click "Create Account" on the menu above and fill out the required information. 

2. Register

To register for the meeting, please click on "Registration" on the menu above. Click on "Details" under each ticket type for information on what each ticket type includes. Select how many attendees you will be purchasing registration for. Fill in Attendees' information and select ticket type. Finally, fill in billing information and submit payment. An invoice will be sent to your email.

For hotel booking, please refer to the menu tab labelled "Hotel." Students can sign up to find a roommate under the "Students and Travel Awards" menu tab above.

3. Submit an Abstract

To submit an abstract, you must have created an account. Log in to your account, then select "My Submissions" from the drop-down Profile menu on the top right corner. The drop down arrow should appear next to your name on the top right corner. In the "My Submissions" page, click on the "Submit Abstract" green button to start a new submission. Select submission type, then fill in the required information. Click the black button to save a draft and submit later or the blue button that says "Submit" to complete your submission. 

If you run into technical difficulties registering or submitting an abstract, please reach out to

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